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A Parable Explained:

"The Rich Man and Lazarus"
Event 6 - The End of Sin
READ other Books and Articles
HellFire, A Twisted Truth Untangled
In view of the ultimate destiny for all who have ever been born, how earnest we should be in seeking to find the right way.
The Rich Man And Lazarus
Many modern religious teachers have isolated the story from its original context and used it as a device for scaring people.
Hath Hell No Fury?
Pope John Paul II stirred up a theological hornets' nest recently when he described hell as "more than a physical place,"
   Fate of the Wicked
   No Place to Hide, Part#2, Part#3
   Death and the Soul, Part#2, Part#3

LISTEN to 7 Bible Questions Answered

- What does fearing the one who destroys body and soul mean?
- How do you balance forgiveness and righteous anger?
- How can the smoke of a sinners' torment rise forever?
- Explain the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and the eternal hell fire.
- Are Lucifer's angels in chains?
- Why do pastors scare people about hell?
- Is hell eternal?
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